Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ethan says the funniest things these days. The way he pronounces words, the stories he tells, there is never a dull moment. I thought I should blog some of his funniest moments so we will be able to remember them. It's already been 3 years since he was just learning to talk and I'm sure I've forgotten some of the cute words that he tried so hard to get right, like daughter instead of water. So here you go...Ethanisms.
  • umbrella - rainbrella
  • macaroni - macanomi
  • squirrel - swirl
  • february - ferrerrry (he always says "I can't say that one, Mommy"
  • flashlight - fashfight
  • wipie - lopie
  • Ethan Michael Dickerson - Etan Mial Geerson

Ethan is quite the story teller. When he was in pre-school the teacher told me that they would all be sitting at the table coloring and Ethan would go off into a 15 minute story. All of the other kids would just listen while Ethan went on and on. One of his recent funny stories was about a deer he says he saw at Nana and Poppy's house. He said he was coming inside and looked out toward the woods. He saw a big deer and his eyes went big! When he said his eyes went big, he did his hands up by his eyes and made this crazy surprised face. It was so funny! We made him tell the story several times and everytime he made the face.

Yesterday Ethan, Ava and I were having dinner. Ethan was being a bear and going grrrr to Ava. I told him Ava was baby bear and I was momma bear. I asked him what his name was and he said "Ethan Michael Dickerson bear". Priceless.

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