Halloween didn't go quite as planned this year. This was the first year Ethan knew what he wanted to be and wow was he adamant. There was no persuading him. I always like to stick with the classics like indian, fighter pilot, pirate. So we went to the costume shop to pick out what my sweet little baby boy wanted to be for Halloween and what does he see as soon as we walk in the door? The most plastic looking transformer costume I have ever seen. I tried hard for a policeman costume but Ethan was having none of it. So, Optimus Prime it is.
Nana and Poppy came up to go trick or treating with us and to see Ava in her first Halloween costume. Everything was going great until about 10:00 Halloween morning. Ethan started telling us he didn't feel good and then by about 1:00 he was down for the count. My little transformer came down with the H1N1 flu. Poppy was ready to run for the hills, but there was no way Nana was going to be leaving her little man in his time of need. Needless to say, Halloween was cancelled at the Dickerson house.
Chris managed to get in contact with our good doctor friend who called in life saving tamiflu. Poppy went on a mission to find an open pharmacy and saved the day. That night was rough, but Nana never left Ethan's side and by the next morning he was already on his way to recovery.
Even though we missed out on trick or treating, we couldn't let Ava's first Halloween go by without at least a picture of the cutest little ladybug ever!